venerdì 23 aprile 2010

Copio e incollo uno scritto dal blog di George Barr, che invito tutti gli appassionati di fotografia a visitare ( Lo pubblico perché lo trovo molto utile per me, e quindi ne voglio tenere memoria per rileggermelo ogni tanto. Può darsi che servirà anche ad altri che, come me, a volte faticano ad uscire di casa con la macchina foto a tracolla, ed allora cercano scuse per sentirsi in pace con se stessi, ben sapendo invece che si stanno dicendo una bugia... :-)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Isn't Photography

There are a lot of things we do in our pursuit of the craft/hobby/art of photography, which often distract from the real job of DOING photography. For example:

- talking about photography

- reading about photography (except for my books of course)

- playing with cameras

- running tests

- checking out the local camera store

- trying new papers

- checking out online reviews/anecdotes/stories

- writing about photography (oops)

- thinking that we should be photographing, except that (here add your own excuse - weather, time, money...)

Gee, when you add it all up, that's a lot of time NOT photographing - what would happen if we spent an equal amount of time photographing - just think how good we'd get, how many marvelous images we'd make.

Buone foto a tutti!

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